W o r k s h o p s
The days of the job-for-life have long gone. We change positions and countries more than ever, and we need to be more inventive and creative to do so successfully. Internationals are courageous and adventure seeking individuals and know what it means to live a challenging, international life. Changing countries and cultures, the expat job changing process can be trying. For international spouses/partners the change and the search for work can be a great undertaking too.
The notion innovation has been around at a corporate level, but the influence of the current continuous changes in world industry (e.g. product improvement, the way businesses are run, employees relate to each other, architecture functions) has made creative change important at a personal level too. It requires personal originality, reassessment and new insights from the part of the individual. Of course it also affects the job hunt.
Our workshop content supports this process, aiming to turn your international life into a positive and rewarding experience. We help easing your stay through general support, focusing on the job search when needed, guiding you to success, while keeping you motivated in the process.
S e l e c t e d t o p i c s
- Change and success; let them work for you
- The job hunt: be innovative
- The job interview
- Networking: how to improve your performance and effectiveness?
- How to present oneself in the best way possible
These workshops can be offered as a series or can be given separately. We also custom design workshops, geared to your specific needs.
S h a r i n g
- ICF certifications and expert training with internationally acknowledged school and training programs
- Ample professional experience in coaching, consulting training and teaching with international clients
- Innate creativity that makes for innovative ideas
- Energy that will trigger fresh perspective and insights
- Full understanding, through our own international lifestyles, of those who are living similar lives
- Fun and lively workshops providing inspiration and learning in a multicultural setting, through a well-designed, interactive program (inviting clients to be present with an open mind and a sense of humor)
- Caring about what moves and motivates you and about what you are trying to achieve in life, while you are making courageous, personal changes
Have a radiant day,
Gusta van Dobbenburgh